Solar Flares
Lina Ru
Solar Flares
You are not responsible for everything around you. All the responsibility you feel is a mere illusion of love. Love is letting others grow, just as nature does. Love is giving others light, just as suns do. Bright, from afar, detached because attachment is fear. The stars are guiding your voice. You just need to listen deep; make silence yours. Silence is like love if you are listening. Clearly, in the distance, alert because attention is love. There is no good or evil, but perspectives of permanent pain and dismay. If you hate.. What about it? Don't fall into anger. Inside of you, all you feel is a river of solar flares. If you do [hate], those flares will consume yourself [and others] until it burns all there is. So one way or another, you are a star of wild love. Use your solar flares with passion, passionate detached light. In love, there is nothing there left of [the idea of] you. In hate, there is nothing there left but [the idea of] you until you explode and die [zombie-like]. One way or another, you will stop being [you] and liberty will find its way into to your sun by consuming [your putting out your fire]. One way [hate], hurts as you dissolve into the frustration of powerless rage. Another [love] blesses you as you disintegrate into an blissful abyss of... Say it loud in the silence of your purity! You know the truth. Open up! No need for others to say what you already know. Listen deep. Open up! Find silence. Open up! Be free, one way or another. No one can hurt you, but [my precious] fear. Fear that enlarges rage in a cage of pain. Reach within... Create another approach to reality. Others have no real voice. You give them life. You give them fame. You are a sun full of ardent flares. How will you use your flares? Love or hate? Maybe, something else. Open up!
What way [imagine non-conceptual] would you prefer? Things are not like I say or like others say. To believe others is the easy way out, but that way costs your own freedom and inner knowledge. You are so conditioned to believe that there is such thing as: [hate] or [love]. That all you can understand is what you have been taught. However, there this non-conceptual approach that doesn’t use labels. Instead, there is freedom. Caught in the middle of nowhere? Calm down. There is time. There is hope. There is awareness within you. That is all you need, not the concept of hate or love. There is something beyond them both, and I could use a word to describe it, but you would fall into the same error of not letting go. Just open your mind, and listen deeply. What do you observe? What is there? Can it be a word? I guess not. The moment you describe it as a word it all becomes a concept [no more reality], but once you [observe] beyond the concept, then the word [as insight through awareness] becomes part of a non-concept because the word can be seen outside of “you”. [Insight….]