The Dreamcatcher
Lina Ru
The Dreamcatcher
Was the dreamer sought by the catcher? Was the dream caught by the dreamer? As he falls into sleep, he investigates. He's caught in a labyrinth and a threader. He sews pieces of his past, no catharsis, was the dreamer sought by the catcher? He's lost in between tree lines, timelines. He searches for an answer that rejoices. Was the dream caught by the dreamer? He's famished by not knowing as we wonder, was he blessed or cursed by those chances? Was the dreamer sought by the catcher? He's encircled by fog, was he the driver or was it an omen? The haze increases. Was the dream caught by the dreamer? The old house is empty, but he remembers. With each query, he fills it with memories. Was the dreamer sought by the catcher? Good old bye as days pass by, with a fever, as he lingers in circles the maze cries: Was the dreamer sought by the catcher? Was the dream caught by the dreamer? We'll never know, but perhaps it's better not to know. If all that he is, encircles as a fog of fate or serendipity. We'll never know if the dreamer was really sought by the dream or the dream was caught by him, a price was payed, a future dealt but we’ll never know, he’ll never know, but perhaps it’s better not to know as this riddle cannot be solved tonight, not without the memory of his dreamcatcher.
I would like to acknowledge: Miro Kantarsky for his poetic film, Never Ending Dream, which inspired me to write this poem. The Anishnawbe Health Toronto because they had the dreamcatcher in display which I was able to photograph.