The Spirit of Ideas
After an idea is born, what happens with its spirit? We can capture ideas or we can let them free. The path that captures ideas is most arrogant. The path that releases ideas is most humble. What is the path that you will take? How can you recognize your path? Well, ask yourself: do I associate my identity with my beliefs? If so, did you know that beliefs are simply ideas that have become captured?
Ideas are undead labyrinths dying to find a secret garden garden {blessed with red sandalwood} and a ladder of undying joy that will take us there but its olive heart has been forgotten in midst of so much color blindness. Ideas are trapped in the kingdom of knowledge ideas {once in liberty} because we have protruded their bodies into Ives’ Unanswered Question with the arrogance of a thousand wild horses. Ideas are pathways, so vain to become the rulers of their fate. Ideas could be eternal prisoners in the throne of human pride, which impoverishes by staining our children’s petals with shame petals {the blossom of our future potential} because there is no worse critic than from the one who controls the existence of an idea as if itself were its own self. How to heal the entrapment of ideas within our raging delusion of grandeur? Ideas are born out of rivers of vulnerability exposed to a humble confidence that bursts out of its cocoon when a soft rejoice magnifies beauty as it passes through a sunrise sunrise {humming a stream of hope} that elevates us from the burden of indifference. The fertile grounds of ideas are blossoms woven into patterns that initiate the opening of branches tree of knowledge {dancers unveiling Mockingbirds} that defy man's theories of nature as if their innate freedom demanded to be in balance with the flickering flapping of its dreams. Ideas could be paths that are constantly being retraced by the gardeners of imagination architects {rebels against the guardians of creativity} seeding plentiful of meaning within the orchards of perspective. Ideas could be But who are you Ideas were willing to be Ideas are now? Free!
So, let us rest our feet in the ocean of collective wanderings where the vastness of our imagination overpowers over our circumstantial desires for power, greed, and control. Thus, releasing the enormous potential {blooming creativity} we hide within. If you choose the flow of creativity, a constant birth of ideas will roam free. These will be born out of love. Will they?