To Err, Not Fear
Lina Ru
To Err, Not Fear
“Be quiet. Don’t err,” it told me, “soon you will discover how flawed you are.” But flaws are the fruit of effort, the flawless is born from a flawed storm, it’s inevitable. There’s no shame if you try, expand the horizon! Don’t settle. Unsettle. Redefine your breath. After each struggle, settle after an effort, not a result. Eagerly persist to further a legacy that pursues messages in bottles lost at the bottom of the creative sea. Let the unraveling of a thousand storms speak, fear not, wait. Don't lower your head, go slower if necesary. Potentiality is ahead, hidden under the sand a message emboldened by each storm endured.
M.Rajendran says:
Yes. Every invention/discovery is made after several flawed attempts. Good.