True to the Manaslu
When I’m about to fall, reflex lets me stay tall. Untainted I am not afraid to learn, the only award given is the capability of my parietal, enhanced. If my awareness situates movement as tranquility, I’ve reached the frontal way to plan what to do next. If I become instead angered, I’ll lose, afraid. War aga¡nst fear! War ¡s fear, tar! The brave despite fear stay true to the Manaslu as they descend, the risk of a fall won’t kill a will to thrive. If I ever would fall, ¡ could forever fear. Paralys¡s! ¡ could choose not to walk or ¡ could teach to firmly persist, ¡ could push bodily against fear, ¡ could prevail calm against aggression. It’s not gravity that’s guilty, it’s what I expect it to be that isn’t, misinterpretation. Young minds know no hate, falling, not an impediment, urging with anticipation the moment of satisfaction that doesn’t know descent. If later I learn I'm afraid of falling, I shall not hate the mountain nor descent. Resist the echo of destruction. Seed firs to dispel malnourished echoes. Lead to novel reactions. Let inquiry find itself in minds that wallow not in discontent nor fear but honorable courage. Clean up the amygdala's dirty shores. Short circuit fear. Teach the hippocampus funambulism. May I respite, catch the lies, dance despite the intensity of the atmospheric light, mighty felt but balanced of thought, frontal I choose what's destiny: To be true to the intellect.
Resources: [one_half] Go further in depth into the brain structures courtesy of CrashCourse: [/one_half] [one_half_last] Want to learn more about emotions and the nervous system? Join this course from KhanAcademy: [/one_half_last] Still got more energy to burn and learn? Join Duke’s University course in Medical Neuroscience through Coursera!