Boat to Nowhere
Lina Ru
Boat to Nowhere
I’ve been dying in a boat to nowhere. The waves take me to hell as I ignore who I am. I prepare myself to leave the waters of tribulation. How can I reach shore before they kill me? Who are they? Everybody is running against me, the tide grows higher, and my heart sinks lower. Is salvation a narrow belief? Am I destined to sleep? Come, one, wake your meaning, and take it to the places that never have been searched, so the forces of the deadly currents shake your fears away, so far away that new meanings take their place. I am drifting toward nothingness, and I am not afraid for it is your love that makes me see after being blind for so long that I had thought light existed no more. After being dead, but alive I realized no one can touch me, no one can kill me, no one can reach me, no one can be me because I am death within you, because I am reached by time through you, because I am felt by you as I am you. If I am you, then who can hurt me but myself? Who can hurt you but yourself? I am in a boat to nowhere, but where are you as I extend my love to you who is me? Together, there is no place that we can call nowhere because in between love and hate there is only the truth, what is it? If I know, do you know? Yes, I know you know, but as I wake up I see you drowning, so I fall asleep to rescue you inside these reveries until I am strong enough to pull you out of the midst as I stand wide awake, full of life, full of truth, full of you, love.