Release and Breathe
Lina Ru
Release and Breathe
Release. Release, with each exhale, reach the crystalline rose beds that cleanse your thoughts with beauty. Release, with each inhale, the tightness of your chest that prevents you from being whole. Release, with each exhale, the roughness of your speech that finds itself trapped in regret. Release, with each inhale, the tension built-up by those unsolved years that left a scar in your perception. Release and with each exhale find a bit of yourself, scattered along the shoreline of your breath. Release and as you inhale retrieve those bits lost beyond yourself, being beyond confinements. Release, inhale, exhale, release to find the temple that lies buried beneath your muffled pain, old regrets, and unfulfilled sunsets. Release to unveil the temple that holds the answer to your most intriguing questions, those you chose to forget in the chase, the unobtainable carrot, the parrot that carries you away with its idle chitchat from the truth that burns inside your sunken temple. Release, inhale, exhale, release to uncover the truth that you silently hunger by sinking into the glistening horizon until your path becomes upholstered by a celestial-blue glow. Release caringly, care as you let your light free from the weight of all those years entrapped under a blind faith. Release, inhale, exhale, release to find your temple, the temple of truth, always within, waiting to be shared as you r e l e a s e . . . . .