Beautiful Feather
Lina Ru
Beautiful Feather
There is a lake that gives birth to birds that enlighten us with reasons to be free within the boundaries of our thoughts, each bird teaches us a lesson to help us learn how to let go, once the bird sees we are ready to observe, its feathers turn into flowers that illuminate our boundaries a little bit more, our colorful possibilities expanded by the fan of beautiful feathers exposed to our hearts. In that lake, we assumed was hidden the answer of the universe, in desire we stole a feather before it bloomed, and decided to invent a bird that would tell us about it all, so in our hands, a bird was born, its feathers never blossomed, but it showed us what the lake knew about us… Silence, it knew nothing at all. So blind we had been! It was not the lake the one who had thoughts, it was only us; the boundaries were set, and released by symbols we chose, not by real reasons within a pot of gold.
carolan says:
this is beautiful and I so enjoy your way of expressing.