Blossoming Dreams
Lina Ru
Blossoming Dreams
Falling stars, breaking sky, heavenly rain embracing my delicate skin. Waterdrops falling into my eyes, creating maps that will guide what is lost within into my heart. Unchaining vessels by creating endless lands through fearless kisses that open fragrant flower paths. Spring will come, waiting is not in vain. Time is a river that unfolds lovely blossoms of rebel dreams that show you what you love to do. If I do, really do, what I love, so will you, if you really do what you love to do, really do, love to do, if love is what we really do, we rest as spring peace as we do, as we really do.
What is life about?Must we run away from those who intend to leave us without hope? When undone, where do our dreams go? Are they still there waiting for us? Are we in need of passion to transform dreams into reality? Where does that internal fire come from? Imagination and love toward what we do. Doing what we most love gives us peace of action, and then of a restful mind.