Voyage into Insight
Lina Ru
Voyage into Insight
Open your mind to the greatest voyage of all, insight. Listen to its intrinsic power as it changes your core from its passionate depth. Listen intensively, so its presence becomes the essence of enlightenment. Listen to its silence as it transforms your mind into a blossom of understanding. Listen deeply, so its evangelical nature can be translated into a choice, not an absolute voice. Choosing a judgment, until insight strikes again, and the voyage changes its sail into the land of my unknown. Observing it all!
Insight is an enchanting concept that illuminates our conception of reality. However, as certain as insight might feel, one must be aware of its limits. Each awareness conceptualized as insight is limited to the information one used to gain it. Therefore, if one takes an insight as an absolute belief one will be locked into a concept that is a choice, and once more information is gathered it would probably change. Insight is an evolving process until one is able to observe it all… Is that possible? Is insight a tool to work through a moment or a static “belief” notion of truth? That is up to you to decide…
gius says:
un viaje muy potente°